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Monday, July 27, 2009

Jalak Bali

Jalak Bali
Jalak Bali or in the name of scientific Leucopsar rothschildi babbler is a similar-sized birds are, with approximately 25cm long, from the tribe Sturnidae. Jalak Bali has special characteristics, of which have white feathers on the entire body except the tip of the tail and wings black. Jalak Bali has the cheek not ditumbuhi fur, bright blue legs and a grayish color. Birds male and female alike. Endemic Indonesia, Bali Jalak only found in the western part of the forest island Bali. This bird is also the only species endemic Bali, where in 1991 dinobatkan as the fauna symbol of Bali province. The existence of this animal endemic reserved. Jalak Bali found the first time in the year 1910. Jalak Bali scientific name is called after the animal experts berkebangsaan English, Walter Rothschild, who was the first person to describe your species to the world of knowledge in 1912. Due to its beautiful appearance and elegant, Jalak Bali is one of the most attractive birds by the collectors and bird fancier. Wild arrest, loss of forest habitat, and areas where it is found very limited, the population quickly dwindle Jalak Bali and endangered in the short period of time. To prevent this to happen, most of the zoo in the world to run a security program Jalak Bali.

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Anonymous said...
pada hari 

post burungnya kok sedikit bngets sih bro,..
ngak di tambah agie nie,..\!

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